Hello there and welcome to Thanoslug.com.  You will, perhaps, notice the complete lack of any kind of content.  Well, there is this message here but I hardly think you can consider this content.  Obviously it is more than nothing but less than anything substantive, thus the statement earlier put forth commenting on the lack of content. I mean, if you want to consider this to be content then that is your prerogative my point is just that I don’t really consider it to be content. 

Hmmm, come to think of it, this is more content than there was when I first put the domain up at which time there was a simple one line comment as to the lack of content but the management felt that you, the internet going individual deserved more than that even in a lack of content. Anyway, there will probably, at some point, be content here as I have a wife who is quite industrious and will probably not be able to go long without availing herself of this resource; but, for now you just get me and my almost complete and total lack of content.  You could say that what we have here is something that is almost but not quite entirely unlike content.

Don't tell anyone but there is now some content to be found here on ThanoSlug.com. My wife has finally availed herself and also has an Etsy page. Also, I am developing a Blood Bowl league page. Enjoy these offerings, have a nice day, and thank you for visiting thanoSLUG.com.